Saturday, February 13, 2016


 I recently caught the February 4th Agritalk podcast with Mike Adams, and heard Jeff Stier and Julie Kelly discussing their article in National Review about 'climatarians.'

 "climatarian (n.) A diet whose primary goal is to reverse climate change. This includes eating locally produced food (to reduce energy spent in transportation), choosing pork and poultry instead of beef and lamb (to limit gas emissions), and using every part of ingredients (apple cores, cheese rinds, etc.) to limit food waste."

 Climatarians "want every meal to be a political statement on topics such as farm workers’ rights or the carbon footprint of your family’s dinner." I think that's been true for a lot of anti-agribusiness and anti-family farm activists for a long time, as well as the mantra of a number of foodies that know little about modern agricultural technology and production.

They go on to discuss a lot of important issues related to meat and cancer, as well as the resource intensity of organic production systems, as well as the implications of the Carnegie Mellon study that indicate that a climatarian influenced diet might actually be worse for the environment than one containing more meat. Of course, science is not central to the dogma of a climatarianist agenda, as the article states: "Regardless of science to the contrary, these activists promote the organic, local, non-GMO diet as the most eco-friendly." 
For a deeper dive on some related issues see:

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